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It is impossible to define precisely what the soul is… By Pennie Quaile Pearce

Wed, 28 November 2012

It is impossible to define precisely what the soul is… however here are a couple of definitions…

1. The animating and vital principle in humans credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.

2. The spiritual nature of humans, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.

 3. The disembodied spirit of a dead human.

I find that definition is an intellectual enterprise, and quite frankly not of much use when dealing with the soul. However, it is an important first step. For me, it is that bigger part of myself that innate intelligence, my unique divinity that drives who I am in this world and helps me live a harmless life in harmony with everything else. When I am in tune with it I feel calm, peaceful, in the flow of ever new joy, ever new bliss, ever new love, ever new creativity. When I’m not I feel disconnected, numb, restless and out of sorts…the pain of separation.

So what does soul mean to you? This is amazingly important because if we have not thought of this before, or explored our own feelings around when we feel connected or disconnected how are we able to recognise either and in not being able to recognise either how are we then able to nurture and care for the soul in our daily lives. (I highly recommend that you take just a few minutes to think about this, maybe brain storm it with pen and paper or a trusted friend or family member)

Fulfilling work, rewarding relationships, personal power and relief from symptoms are all gifts of the soul. They are particularly elusive in our time because we don’t quite believe in the soul and therefore give it no place in our hierarchy of values. We have come to know soul only in its complaints, when it stirs, disturbed by neglect and abuse and causes us to feel pain.

In the fifteenth century, Marsilio Ficino put it as simply as possible. The mind, he said, tends to go off on its own so that it seems to have no relevance to the physical world. At the same time, the materialistic life can be so absorbing that we get caught in it and forget about spirituality. What we need, he said is soul, in the middle, holding together mind and body, ideas and life, spirituality and the world.

From an energetic point of view once we are born into a body, our ego and personality identify with that physical form and forgets there is a bigger part of self. The conscious mind is a tool of ego and personality its job is collect data, help to keep our physical form safe from harm and it’s part of the rational mind, what does the rational mind do…it rationalises or tells us rational lies…this is where Marsilio Ficino said ‘the mind tends to go off on its own’. It tells us stories based on the data it has collected which usually not the complete truth, but an assumption and we all know the word assume means ass/u/me.

When Marsilio Ficino talks about ‘the materialistic life can be so absorbing that we get caught in it and forget about spirituality’ he is talking about the Hindu concept of Maya, that we are living in delusion that the physical world is the only reality and as many of us have begun to realise it’s not. Our spiritual life and soul must come first in order for us to be truly happy – more about this later-

What I am going to present in this blog, is a program for bringing soul and spirituality back into life. This is not a new idea. However I hope you will find it helpful. So this blog will focus not just on the idea of soul and spirituality, but on concrete ways we can foster soulfulness and spirituality in our ordinary everyday lives.


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