The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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I don't think I have the words to put together to describe what I have just experienced... bloody hell I wasn't expecting that!! doesn't even come close!! What a difference a day makes, what a difference a breathwork session makes!! It brings you back to a true sense of self and unclouds your vision... the sky seems bluer, the grass greener and there is a new sense of clarity and focus... if only I had known about this sooner... this stuff should be taught to us in school...what a difference that would make. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention and thanks for making a difference

Ed Tilly, Company Director, Surrey

Just when I think you must have peaked by pull something out of the thin air that simply blows my mind. Pennie, I am awe struck by you. I envy your connection to universal wisdom, your clarity of thought, your light hearted delivery and your loving & nurturing of our souls...Thank-you

Alex Clown, Flight Co-ordinator
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