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Wonderful story to share

Tue, 5 March 2013

My daughter Laura who is 11 came home today from school with a friend and two police officers.

During her journey home from school her friend had been pushed in front of a bus by 2 girls that they both know and at times friends with. Thankfully there was no physical harm however the girl was badly shaken and very emotional. As they were nearing home they saw 2 police officers walking by and laura decided that it was important to tell them, so they did and came to our home.
Later when i praised Laura for having the courage to do that her response was "its because of all that reiki stuff you do that i could do that, if you didnt do that i would have told you and asked you to tell them".

The last time Laura had a hands on treatment was about 3 years ago and when offered she always refuses, today however is testament to the true power of reiki and its principles and never to underestimate its power even if it appears someone is refusing.

 Carolyn xx


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On behalf of Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, we would like to thank you for your attendance as an exhibitor at our recent Members’ Event, “General wellbeing for people with a learning disability,” held on Thursday 24th April. Our Members’ Events are a valued opportunity for us to engage with our members, the community and people who use our services. We believe that having exhibitors present at these events enhances our level of engagement and contributes greatly to the overall success of the day. Thank you for the time you spent engaging with attendees and people who use our services. Your presence on the day was very well received by both attendees and staff of the Trust. We hope you enjoyed the day and look forward to seeing you again at future events. Kind regards and, once again, a big thank you!

Nadia Kassim, Communities and Membership Officer Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust

During the Mining the Gold Within intensive retreat I finally allowed myself to feel emotions that I had suppressed for years. At times it felt as if there was nowhere to hide but this bootcamp for the soul was just what I needed to take me on to the next stage of my journey into Self. I couldn't think of a safer, more authentic person with whom to dive to the depths than Pennie. It was a life-changing, life-enhancing experience.

Beverley Glick, Human Potential Coach
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