The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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Pennie Quaile-Pearce CEO & The Founder of Acorn to Oak

My Role In Acorn To Oak

Hello at present I am the CEO of Acorn to Oak, the International School of Energy Medicine. My role is to keep the vibration of Acorn to Oak at the highest and most pure. To stragically head the development team and grow Acorn to Oak onto a more prominent national and international stage. I am also ultimately responsible for the day to day running of Acorn to Oak, its Associate and Affiliate programs

My Qualifications/Experience

My Experience encompasses over 20 years’ in the field of orthodox medicine, specialising in trauma and intensive care, it also includes work with the Red Cross and International Voluntary Services (IVS). In 1992 I retrained as a Homoeopath, 1994 as a Reiki Master/Teacher, 1996 a Bodhisoul® Breathwork Practitioner with Christina Thomas-Fraser Founder of the Innerlight Institute. Later I developed and introduced Breath4LifeTM Breath Work into the UK. In 2005 the first set of Breath4LifeTM Breath Work Practitioner were trained. A Life, Love and Spiritual coach/guide, Spiritual Response Therapist. A trained teacher, who specialised in course creation and development. Clients call me a "spiritual midwife". I describe myself as a divine waitress. "I'm here to serve, serve what the divine is cooking up in the kitchen, which is great, because sometimes I get to go and play in the kitchen and I also get to taste the dishes." So I suppose I'm also a spiritual entrepreneur.

My Motivation

Two decades ago while standing at the end of a bed in an intensive care unit, I was facilitating an emergency situation and observing a patient go through the most horrific scenario, knowing that the toxicity of the drugs we were administering were probably killing him faster than the condition he had been admitted for. In that moment I thought: “There has to be a better way than this.” Since then I have been on a quest to find a better way, and that quest has involved heaps of research into a plethora of areas, however mainly into energy and energetics. I commenced my own self-healing, which has included finding a spiritual path with the Self-Realisation Fellowship, ultimately this has helped me to understand that the best way to nourish myself is to nourish others. Part of my role is to serve others – and that is why I describe myself as a divine waitress.

My Philosophy

I believe that we all have a unique divinity within us that we have simply forgotten. That our task in life is to remember all parts of self and become self realised, it is a journey we all take back to the source. The path is made more joyous and happy if we can share it with others.

My Passions

Are my spiritual life which includes my relationship with God and Guru, becoming self realised, my husband Luke, and our 16 month old son Hector, my dogs Poppy and Jakes 2 lovely golden labs; sharing the good times and the not-so-good times with like-minded people who are moving in the same direction.

My favourite Quote

Is Einstein’s definition of insanity “Doing the same behaviour over and over again whilst expecting a different result?”

Thought I’d slip one more in “If you find yourself in hell – keep going” Winston Churchill

My Wish For You

Over the last 25 years I've helped countless people find happiness, love, fulfillment and joy in their daily lives and my sincere wish for you is you will allow yourself to be guided to have an extra ordinary Life.

In Divine Friendship



Simply put Acorn to Oak’s courses are second to none, the care, attention and amazing eye for detail is amazing. The concentration and space held by the facilitators is awesome. Pennie you run a tight and well-oiled team which makes everything seem easy, however I know what it takes to put on events. The love you channel is quite jaw dropping and your clarity and ability to take risks purely inspirational. I hope you may you be richly rewarded for your work. You have my heart felt gratitude for the ‘EGO’ training I have received. Thank God I found you.

Jack Webster, Managing Director

What can I say about the Reiki 3 Pathway to Mastership, I would highly recommend it as a continuation of your Reiki journey, if you want to learn thoroughly Acorn to Oak is for you. I cannot express enough the quality of the teaching and how you are encouraged to develop and grow to be the very best you can be, its life changing and only for the better.

Nicy Dobson, Crystal Therapist
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