The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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Level One - Foundation Course

Why Choose This Course?

Breath4Life™ Breath Work is an exciting, totally unique and complete self-healing package. It incorporates Breath Work Therapy, life-skills, NLP techniques, life-coaching and written and non-written process work. It is a life-transforming journey of self-discovery.

The Foundation Course (level One) is an effective and efficient tool for personal growth, healing and development.

What is included

  1. 10, days of training, 1 day per month over 10 months.
  2. 10, group breath work sessions.
  3. 10, 30 minute clarity calls
  4. 6, 1:1 sessions during a 10 month period.
  5. Workbook for course content
  6. Reflective Journal
  7. Handouts
  8. Certificate of attendance

The Breath Work techniques will enable you to cope with ongoing stresses that may occur throughout your life. During the course you will look at all areas of your life, from conception onwards. It will help you to identify recurring patterns and self-sabotaging behaviour. You are provided with a file containing all the supporting documentation and a workbook is used to help reinforce the learning that occurs in class. A certificate of attendance is awarded when the workbooks are completed.

This is course is also the first level to becoming a Breath4Life™ Breath Work Practitioner if you so wish.

Who is this course for?

This course is perfect for

  • People who are new to, but interested in self-development and wish to learn about and explore emotional intelligence, mental wellbeing and spiritual awareness.
  • People who are interested and committed to exploring all aspects of themselves.
  • For people who want to engage fully in life and show up in a real & authentic way and share their uniqunic gifts with other
  • Therapists who want to experience and learn exercises and processes that will help and support them in their own self development and they can share with their own clients that will enhance their practice and what they offer.

This course is not good for

  • People who don’t really want to change or gain more clarity, love and happiness.
  • Will not commit to the process and journey of Breath4Life™ Breath Work
  • People who are don’t really believe that thoughts create things
  • People who want a quick fix that takes no personal effort

This is course is a great way to start to explore the bigger picture, get to know yourself and deal with obstacles that are in the way of you achieving what you want in life. It helps you recognise and deal with self-destructive or limiting patterns of behaviour that have held you hostage, possibly since early childhood. Ultimately Breath4Life™ Breath Work helps you achieve the freedom to create the life you desire.

What will You teach?

During the foundation course we will talk about and discuss the theory and practice of Breath Work its origins and applications. We will also cover:-

  • Emotional Intelligence, how we process emotions in health, how we suppress emotions in daily life and how to reverse this process.
  • Context versus content, How we make up stories to make sense of what is going on around us and what they mean.
  • Understand and be able to apply TACT (Telling the absolute complete truth) and TAR (Taking absolute responsibility) and see how these techniques will change our way of being and whole life experience.
  • The Iceberg effect.
  • Understand the benefits of 'mining the gold within' so we can create the life we desire to experience.
  • Understand the four main archetypes that influence everyone's lives and how to work with them so that they support us rather than causing chaos in our lives.
  • Understand how to identify recurring patterns and how to unravel them safely.
  • Understand the 4 'R's and what the can indicate.
  • Gain insights into why we go into reaction and what to do about it.
  • Recognise the Circle of Self-defeat, sabotaging behaviour and then experience the Cycle of Freedom.
  • Understand the See Saw effect and the effects it has on our relationships

And much, much more...

How Is the course structured?

Each day is designed specifically for the participant to gain knowledge and personal insights. This includes: Theoretic content , Opportunity for personal exploration, A group Breath4Life™ Breath Work session, benefiting from the group support.

Classes are kept small so you gain lots of personal help and support.

A 30 minute clarity call approximately 2 weeks after each session to help gain clarity and focus

Check out our Fast Track course taking place this June -


I have benefited so much from being part of the six-months women's breath work group. We have all supported each other on our individual journeys and it has been uncanny how often the other people's stories and experiences have resonated with me. The breathwork sessions have seen us all make amazing breakthroughs while Pennie and Jill hold the space and dispense pearls of wisdom.

Beverly Glick, Human Potential Coach

I just wanted to congratulate you for putting on an amazing course, so full of learning, fun and amazing opportunities to grow. Thank-you

David Thorn , Leisure Manager
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