The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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What is a Pusanga

Note: How to make a pusanga is taught as part of the Shamans Tools course

A pusanga is a magic perfume made with Amazonian plant essences, hand macerated with a specific intention so that nature’s energies can help steer towards the manifesting of the initial intention. The pusanga is then used by the client as a perfume with the same intention so that the desired result can be achieved.  


Ian Goody, CEO Coaching Direct

Thank you very much for Saturday's session. Clear the Ancestral Trauma of the 7 Generations it was a great experience that has changed something in me very deeply. I feel "me" if it makes any sense. I am more grounded and at peace and at the same time quite sharp, it feels that I can dance at my own tune now. I can't really explain with words but it feels right

Veronique Perquel , Nutrition Therapist
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