The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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What is an Icaros

Note: Icaros are taught are part of the Shamans Tools course.

Learning to sing the Icaros which are not just beautiful traditional shamanic songs but true healing and self-healing melodies that connect into our energetic levels and reawaken our ancestral, tribal identity.

What you will experience on the Introductory Weekend

Perfect a short and simple self healing Icaro

What you will experience on Level One

Singing the icaros is how a shaman journeys into the energy of their client to connect with them on an energetic level, this is how they perceive and interpret what  imbalance the client has and enables them to “see” how to help them return to balance.

During level one you will be taught how to sing 3 different and more complicated icaros


You know, Pennie, I had a sneaking feeling you were just reading me like a book, that everything you said was directed at me and me alone…how egotistical is that! I looked around the room while you were talking and everyone was so enthralled in what you were saying I never been to anything like this before and I’m certainly hooked now so I’ll be seeing you again soon. A big Thank-you

Richard Green , IFA

I had a Reiki and Indian Head Massage from Adam, which was wonderful. I feel relaxed and more open and balanced. I would definately recommend to everyone.

Jackie Newson , Freelance
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