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September 2018

  • Love is grace in action with TACT & TAR thrown in. The last in this series.

    Posted on Mon, 10 September 2018

    11. Love is grace in action

    SO… If Love is grace in action, what is GRACE?... It's that life-bestowing, love-bestowing power of the universe, the mysterious way cosmic intelligence has of moving you toward more goodness, more truth, more freedom. When we resist change, hold on too tightly and refuse to let go, grace cannot easily enter our lives.

    I believe that God, spirit, the universal power, or whatever you call it for yourself, has so much to give you, but only if you co-operate. Are you doing your part! Maybe the universe is just working overtime for you, but you are not letting in the blessings. Maybe there's a big pile of blessings waiting for you in some cosmic storehouse, but they can't come into your life until you make the space. You may be praying, you may be doing...Read More

  • All you need is Love 8. 9. 10

    Posted on Fri, 7 September 2018

    8. Love is the desire and willingness to give and to serve

    The word “family” originally meant to serve. Jesus said, “He who would be great among you, let him become a servant.” If we live according to Natural Law, we experience that choosing to serve rather than seeking to be served is what brings happiness.

    I remember a number of years ago, when I had been heavily scheduled with a lot of speaking engagements along with my regular practice, I was feeling tired and looking forward to resting on the weekend. On my way home from my office on Friday afternoon, I spoke to my husband and learned that he had come down with flu. I was compassionate with him, but inside I was disappointment I would no longer have the weekend for desperately needed rest! Then, after a pause, I realised that this thought was just from the ego’s perspective. I said to myself: “I love my husband, he is sick and...Read More

  • Points 4, 5, 6, 7 on Love is starting withLove always strengthens, and never weakens.

    Posted on Thu, 6 September 2018

    4. Love always strengthens, and never weakens.

    Love is empowering, while counterfeit “love” is weakening. Power is not commonly associated with love, for we often see tenderness as being foolish or a weakness or as being out of touch with reality. In fact, most people when operating from the ego perspective, think that love and power are opposites i.e. if you are loving, you are not manifesting power, you are vulnerable or a softy and can be hurt by the people you love. We know that in times of plague, the doctors and nurses who were the most exposed often escaped any illness themselves. Mother Teressa survive for so long in the slums of Calcutta without getting one of the hundreds of illnesses she treated because compassion for another fortifies and strengthens us. We cease...Read More

  • The main function of love is to forgive.

    Posted on Sat, 1 September 2018

    3. The main function of love is to forgive.

    Forgiveness and acceptance are the essential conditions of empowering Love and though they may feel similar to falling in love, they come from a solid foundation and from conscious choice rather than hormones or out illusions about the other person or ourselves. Forgiveness becomes an ongoing state of mind, not just an occasional act, although it may begin that way.

    That is what Jesus meant when he told those who asked him, “How many times should I forgive my brother?” that they should forgive them, “seventy times seven.” Similarly, Buddha taught that to let go of our suffering, we must first let go of all our attachments- including our expectations and resentments of others that poison our relationships. There can be no genuine Empowering Love without forgiveness.

    When you forgive you are basically overlooking those...Read More

August 2018

  • Love is a conscious focus of the mind.

    Posted on Fri, 31 August 2018

    Continuing from yesterday

    2. Love is a conscious focus of the mind.

    Our thoughts are the beginning of creation e.g. thoughts create things. So, with that in mind we can choose to extend loving thoughts anytime to any person anywhere. Also, since love is not an emotion that rules us, it is not affected by our changing emotions any more than it is by the ever-changing weather. Nature teaches us this love by providing crying babies during the night to disturb our sleep. We love them and so get up to take care of them, even when we are tired.

    We need to redefine love and to see it not so much as an emotion as a conscious, wilful decision that one makes in one’s mind. We find it easy to love when someone is being what we want them to be, but the real test comes in difficult times – when we perceive rejection or attack – when we might ordinarily become angry or critical...Read More


You Know I think I'd be dead or in prison by now if I'd not found Pennie or done this work. I thank God every day and I'm soo very grateful. You know if you are at the end of your tether, in the shit or anger and confused then Breath Work is the thing that will turn your life around. It’s fast, simple and effective just like Ronseal… it does what it says on the tin yeah, so stop messing around and do it!

Matthew Donnachie, Builder

Just one word for this EPIC weekend

Matthew Donnachie, Builder
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