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September 2018

  • Brown helps with boundaries

    Posted on Fri, 14 September 2018

    Brown is the colour of earthiness – a direct conduit to nature, animal wisdom and universal wisdom that crates healthy boundaries and attains a balanced perspective. Connect to nature’s healing properties and revive your energy and creativity with brown. So, use the brown ray to deepen your connection to the earth and create healthy boundaries.

    Exercise to help you create healthy boundaries

    It’s best to pick a day when it’s not raining, it doesn’t matter what time of year it is. Go outside find a stick and draw a circle on the ground (It doesn’t matter what size, but approximately 2-3 feet). Stand inside the circle, breathe in some fresh air and stretch up and out to all sides of yourself, if you feel you need to make the circle bigger do so, so you have room to grow. Allow the brown ray to connect you to the earth.

    Affirm; “Higher Self, I choose to create new boundaries for myself...Read More

  • Protecting your energy field is a matter of grave important after grounding

    Posted on Fri, 14 September 2018


    To seal and protect your aura from outside influences.

    Suggested Prayer for protection

    "Spirits of white light protect the doorway of my soul and help me live in love light and peace, I ask this in the name of the Christ Consciousness and the God force. Amen"

    Suggested techniques of protection

    Stand up, knees slightly bent and take a couple of deep breaths to quieten the mind.

    On your next ‘in-breath’, visualise the colour pink. Draw this pink light all around your body, in the shape of an egg, about 4 feet in diameter. Sense yourself standing in the protection of the egg, feeling safe, secure and loved in the ray of pink.

    Completing this process, on your next in breath see a white light, draw it all around the outside of the pink egg, until it extends approximately to 15 - 20...Read More

  • Feeling Fabulous… When it comes to the physical body, small changes make huge differences

    Posted on Thu, 13 September 2018

    Sometimes, even the smallest change can make a huge difference and place you on the path of wellness. Imagine being in a really bad mood; you feel a headache coming on, and you plan to take an aspirin and go to bed, but a friend calls and invites you to go out. Reluctantly, you leave your home. You see the most beautiful sunset, take a few breaths, begin to relax. Then a stranger walks by and makes a kind comment. Suddenly you begin to feel better and your headache disappears. You meet your friend in better spirits and have a great night. The next day you awake feeling fabulous as you think about the great night you had. You decide that life is wonderful, and you have another enjoyable day.

    This simple example shows your mind’s ability to influence your...Read More

  • Auburn is a fantastic colour for grounding - includes 2 grounding techniques

    Posted on Wed, 12 September 2018

    Auburn is a fantastic colour for grounding

    Auburn is a fantastic colour for grounding yourself and provides access to universal intelligence, this regeneration increases concentration and higher levels of patience, stability and practicality.

    Ground yourself in the now with Auburn rays of light.

    Quick 5-minute Grounding Exercise

    Imagine that your feet are magnetised to the earth and its rich colours. Place your bare feet on the ground outside and breathe deeply and feel the energy and healing power of the earth (Giai). Visualise Auburn rays moving through your body and into the earth. Feel how the rays ground you to the present moment. Enjoy the feeling of connectedness, allowing Auburn to regenerate your body.

    Affirm “Higher Self connect me to your infinite power and intelligence. Allow...Read More

  • Rejuvenation of the whole body with “Ruby”

    Posted on Tue, 11 September 2018

    I was doing some research over the weekend into colours and the qualities they bring into our lives. I’ve had a summer “cold” with flu like symptoms and it’s hit my chest, the accompanying cough has been challenging +++ keeping me awake at night and driving my family slowly mad.

    I was really taken with the power of Ruby which is the colour of dynamism, rejuvenation and strength, increasing your stamina and filling you up with energy and enthusiasm for life. (Awesome)… It is also a colour for prosperity, courage, achievement and motivation. (Sign me up yeah!)… Ruby also encourages shy people to come out of their shell by building confidence. (In my world that means being able to be visible to the public on a global level and working through any fear or blocks to that) So use Ruby light to feel truly alive and dynamic.

    Rejuvenation of the whole body


    ...Read More


Pennie, love your very simple, engaging speaking style...I learnt a lot, would like to hear you spaek again. Thank-you


I feel honoured to have met such a team/community of people who are so dedicated to delivering such high training, in fact I wouldn't really call it training, but helping people gain the own truth and find their own voice, it's a real privilege to know you guys and rare opportunity to meet and work with such a wise and loving woman's as Pennie. Thank you for coming into my life and helping me gain a healthy perspective of the truth, the universe and where I sit in all of this and how I can move onwards and upwards. You will always be in my heart and I'll hear your voice when I Need encouragement and courage to take the next step. Katie

Kate Odiham, Entertainer
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